Friday, 18 July 2008

Let's talk Lego

There is a tiny chance that someone out there is a weeny bit sad about the fact I haven't posted anything for a long time. Actually, probably not, but hey at least it gives me a break from the wonderful world of adverts. We've been very very busy recently, wrestling various clients, helping out our American colleagues from Chicago - meaning we got to work on Nintendo again, yeah! - and a couple of meaty all-department briefs that virtually broke us.

I'm talking about Lego today because it makes me happy. It's just one of those things that has that instantly 'happy' vibe about Nintendo (oh here we go!) A while back we did a Coco Pops ad with a chap called Tony Mines. We became aware of Tony due to his great stop-frame animation Lego films, usually re-makes of movies like 'Monty Python & The Holy Grail', 'Star Wars' and 'Spiderman'. There's a good chance he's also responsible for this amusing Eddie Izzard stand-up routine that's been animated with Lego:

Watch Eddie Izzard Darth Vadar Canteen Here

I don't what it is about re-creating things with Lego, but it always seems to make me smile...even it is the dreaded Hand of God.

I also stumbled across this the other day. It sort of uses Lego, but plays with 3D perspective in a really interesting way.

That's it. That's all I've got for now. It's something at least.


Anonymous said...

working on nintendo again sounds great fun dude! we should catch some drinks at some point and talk about our lego experiences! :)

Ferris said...

For sure. Be interested to hear about W+K...did you ever have Fabuland, the animal Lego? Now that was some good shit man...